Appearing on CNN Mobile App Android Tablet

CNN mobile app on Thursday became one of the first companies outside of Google that offers apps for Android tablets , including the Motorola Xoom has just been released .The free app is similar to the CNN mobile app for the Apple iPad , the current tablet market leader . The difference application , users can directly submit their news to CNN iReport . iPad does not have a camera to photograph the ongoing events photo or video to record the news. In contrast , several Android -based tablets like the Xoom and the Samsung Galaxy Tab has front and rear cameras .

cnn mobile app

New CNN mobile app aims to carry the citizen journalism to tablets .

" CNN mobile app will expose the best dispatches from hundreds and thousands of iReporters around the world , and allows them to send their own iReports and participate with us , " said Louis Gump , vice president of CNN to mobile in a press release. For now , the application is only available on the Android Market in the U.S. CNN mobile app designed specifically to operate on Google's latest Android operating system , which is called " Honeycomb " .

The CNN mobile app offers layout , lay out , and attractive at first glance similar to the popular news app called Pulse. The application operates in two modes - one highlighting news for an international audience and the other focusing on the U.S. audience , as well as news updates and audio every hour of CNN Radio .

The CNN mobile app also highlights comments from the readers CNN . " The app includes the ability for users to comment alongside content on the screen or share stories with text and images via e - mail , Facebook and Twitter , " said CNN release. " Users can also flip through the headlines and the location of the image on the screen using the app home screen with widgets that image . "
Bloggers have noted that the shortage of applications operating on Honeycomb. Many Android phone application designed to work on tablets , but the application can not run up on the larger tablet screen .

Blog VentureBeat writes that apps like CNN which can operate on the Apple iPhone and iPad , " does not fit on the Android tablet. " Google should really create applications that can run smoothly on Android tablets . Sure if they want to pursue the iPad . Tablet market is the subject of war this year , " wrote Dean Takahashi. MSNBC writes popularity rests on the Android tablet app. " The success of Android tablets is measured by how many other parties to develop applications , we are not currently able to determine where the winner , " said Wilson Rothman. Its all about CNN mobile app.

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