Getting more About Chrome OS

Chrome apps, Chrome OS is not yet popular among computer users . But did not rule out an OS made by Google when it can be pushed up to the top ranks of the OS , as it has done in the Android smartphone OS market . Actually like what Chrome OS is that? PG in this article will encourage you to know more about the Chrome OS .
What is Chrome OS ?
Chrome OS is a Linux -based operating system developed by Google .
This operating system was specifically developed to be able to work well with a variety of web apps in the Chrome Web Store .

Chrome OS vs. Chromium OS ?

Chromeapps, Many are still confused by the difference between Chrome OS with Chromium OS . Chromium OS is the open source version of Chrome OS . Chromium OS can be downloaded source code by anyone , can be modified and compiled by any developer . While Chrome OS will only be included in a particular device ( Chromebook or Chromebox ) made ​​by Google or Partner of Google .
Chrome OS has been announced since the release July 7, 2009 , and the new in November 2009 under the name Open Source makes its open-source version called Chromium OS .

user Interface

Chrome apps, If you are a user of Google's Chrome browser , you will not be familiar with the user interface of Chrome OS . Features and appearance is identical to the Chrome OS Google Chrome .
When you first turn on the Chrome OS , you will be prompted to log into your Google account .
Once logged in , you will be greeted with a clean and simple desktop . You can change the background image according to what you want .
Chrome OS is integrated with all the Google services such as Google Drive , Google Docs , Gmail , Google Play , Google Plus , and Google Search . You can also install a variety of other applications on the Chrome Web Store . Each application can be installed quickly and easily , such as when installing extensions in Google Chrome .
Chrome apps, File explorer Chrome OS also looks simple . File Explorer is already integrated with a zip archiver that you can extract or compress without installing additional applications .
Chrome OS settings page is also not much different from the settings page of Google Chrome .
Chrome OS can run very fast . It only took a matter of seconds for the OS to boot or shutdown . It is not so surprising because the OS is very simple and almost all applications running in the cloud .


Chrome apps, One thing that is hard to match the price of the Chromebook is a problem . Yup , Chromebook with Chrome OS is far below the true cost laptop prices in general . Chrome apps, Just imagine , Acer Chromebook C7 just sold for $ 199 (Rp 1.9 jt ) , the Samsung Chromebook for $ 249 (U.S. $ 2.4 m) , and 550 Samsung Chromebook for $ 449 (Rp 4.3 jt ) .

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