Hacker From Russia Successfully breaking Apple App Store

Apple app store, Apple products have a defect return in terms of security . After some time ago attacked a malware virus , now a Russian hacker managed to fool security systems Apple App Store . And , the hackers also managed to download a paid app for free .
Steps taken by the hacker was very simple . He suggests three simple steps to get it . And , she also uploaded a video that shows the steps to the Youtube site with id named ZondD80 .

Apple app store, The Apple had already issued a statement related to the incident . Quoted from VentureBeat , Natalie Harrison who is an Apple spokesperson said that the security system is owned by the Apple App Store is very important for companies and the developer community . Therefore , it will investigate the incident seriously and will take action against perpetrators of the burglary . And , the Apple had been asked to immediately remove the Youtube video uploaded by the ZondD80 .

Apple app store, a fairly shocking news came from the company named Adeven analysis . In one occasion , CEO Adeven , Christian Henschel said that there were 60 percent more apps in the Apple App Store which yet never downloaded .
Henschel said , a user has the choice very much . With the number of applications reached more than 650 thousand , of course, Apple device users quite confused by the many options . And , if counted , 60 percent of the applications numbering about more than 400 thousand applications .

Apple app store, He said that the lack of the number of applications downloaded from the App Store because of the system that are less good . Apple's App Store is not equipped with a great search tool . And , the easiest way to obtain an application is to look at the top list tends to be dominated by the same company with millions of dollars .

Apple app store, " If you are independent , small app publisher , then it is very difficult to find , " said Henshcel. Therefore , it offers an application called Apptrace iOS app that has data from 155 countries .

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