BBM apps free on Android and iPhone

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Droid apps free, Instant messaging app Blackberry Messenger ( BBM ) can be downloaded for free and used for Android and iPhone users. In gathering together a community of smart phones on Thursday , Chairman of the Community Blackberry Joegianto said the application will be available completely free of charge , without any time limit like WhastApp colleagues." Confirmed free or free , it's just that , there will be in- or additional apps in the app that will be paid , " he said .

Droid apps free, For example , facilities such as stickers are common in instant messaging applications such as Line , KakaoTalk or WeChat also be available in BBM . Obviously with additional content not completely free." So the opportunity is open for application developers to create applications that will be able to be enjoyed , not just BBM on the Blackberry users , but also users of Android and iPhone , " he said .

Droid apps free, Blackberry Indonesia Managing Director Maspiyono Handoyo also ensures instant messaging application will be completely free. " It's free , the goal is to increase market BBM users besides of selling handset , " he said. BBM officially can be downloaded free from the Android and iPhone devices through from 21 September.

Droid apps free , available for download starting at 18:00 pm and can be downloaded to your iPhone or six hours later Sunday, September 22 starting 0:01 pm. Upon entry to the official site , the user will be redirected to Play Store or Apple Store in accordance with the device . After downloaded , it will exit the PIN and the user can enter a new Blackberry ID or the existing ones .

Droid apps free , users can instantly invite a friend via social media accounts . BBM application specifically for the series on Android 4.0.0 and iPhone iOS 6 and 7 series it will only be allowing users to conversation ( chat ) , share files such as photos and voice notes , group conversations accompanied by photographs and schedules , Broadcast Message , as well as post updates a photo or status. While video calling and voice applications are not yet available for Android devices and BBM in iPhone. Its all about droid apps free.

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