SPC Mobile provides Indonesian Typical Application Store

Mobile store, Smartphone competition is not only characterized by the leading vendors in the world , the rivalry was also happening in the country . The local brand smartphones each vendor tries to show excellence and differentiation , one SPC Mobile .
Mobile store, Therefore, SPC Mobile in collaboration with a leading provider of mobile applications and services , Maxitech , developed the app store that contains content unique to Indonesia since three months ago . Is SPC Store , the Android app store contains a variety of local content developed by Indonesian developer and can be accessed starting today.

Mobile store, SPC presence Store as well as a firm step in supporting the development of local developers . " Smartphones will not be complete without the app store , so other than Google Play , presence applications with local content store would be a plus for us . Because of that , we are open to all developers , but their applications will be our first selection , "said Chief Operating Officer Raymond Tedjokusumo SPC Mobile , in FX Entertainment Lifestyle .
Mobile store, Recorded SPC Mobile currently has 160 local applications of 50 local developers . That number , says Raymond , is expected to grow to five hundred to a thousand applications in the next year , with half as paid apps .

Mobile store, As for now , applications in SPC Mobile is a free application . But if the future appears a paid application , the company handed over to the developer pricing schemes . To prepare the presence of paid applications , SPC Mobile has collaborated with Indonesian operators regarding the purchase of pulse applications with cutting scheme .
" Revenue sharing her we do not know yet how much the amount , can be 80-20 or 50-50 , depending on the agreement later , " said Raymond .

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